Product Knowledge (Loan Protection)

Is a customer eligible to receive loss of employment benefits if they involuntarily are no longer working and have received a severance package from their employer?
We will pay loss of employment insurance benefits if a customer experiences an involuntary loss of employment and remains unemployed throughout the eliminat...
Tue, 3 Nov, 2020 at 5:14 PM
Can the customer have worked 12 consecutive months across several jobs, and still qualify for Loss of Employment coverage?
Yes. A customer can have a job change during the 12 month period as long as there is no break in employment, and they have continuously worked 12 consecutiv...
Tue, 3 Nov, 2020 at 5:11 PM
Does the customer have to have worked 12 consecutive months at the same job to qualify for Loss of Employment coverage?
No. A customer can have a job change during the 12 month period as long as there is no break in employment, and they have continuously worked 12 consecutive...
Tue, 3 Nov, 2020 at 5:09 PM
Does a customer qualify for loss of employment coverage if they were let go due to work performance targets not being met?
We would rely on the information provided by the employer to clarify the reason for the termination of employment. 
Tue, 3 Nov, 2020 at 5:07 PM
How does a customer qualify for loss of employment benefit?
To qualify for loss of employment benefit and to continue to receive these benefits, the customer must:  Have been actively at work;  Upon experiencin...
Mon, 9 Nov, 2020 at 8:33 AM
If there has been a time lapse over the past 12 months in employment due to a brief wait between jobs, are they eligible?
No, they are not eligible.  To be eligible to claim, receive and continue receiving loss of employment insurance benefits, the customer must have been e...
Tue, 3 Nov, 2020 at 5:04 PM
As of when do we start counting the six-month recurrent period?
The six-month recurrent period is determined from the last benefit paid through date to the new date of loss.
Tue, 3 Nov, 2020 at 5:03 PM
Why is Loss of Employment coverage not sold as a standalone in the province of Quebec?
The regulator in the province of Quebec, the AMF, does not allow LOE to be sold as a stand-alone benefit. 
Tue, 3 Nov, 2020 at 5:02 PM
Do Carefree and Essential plans have the same eligibility requirements for Loss of Employment?
No, there is a slight difference between plans.  For Carefree, the customer must meet the eligibility requirement of working 20 hours per week for 12 co...
Tue, 10 Nov, 2020 at 1:26 PM
What significant exclusions, restrictions and limitations need to be clearly disclosed to every customer before selling Loss of Employment coverage to a customer?
Customers need to be made aware that an individual is only eligible to apply for loss of employment coverage if that individual has been actively working 20...
Tue, 3 Nov, 2020 at 4:27 PM