In order to pursue our effort to provide ongoing support to our dealerships, a great customer experience for the contract holders and meet our regulatory requirements, LGM has introduced a validation step for all phone numbers and email addresses entered in QuickQuote.  

As a best business practice, it is important for LGM to be able to contact contract holders. Currently, a high proportion of the contracts sold do not have a valid phone number and/or email address on file, which makes it impossible to contact customers if the need arises. As a result, this limits LGM's ability to send any mandatory documents or inform customers of any changes. 

As of November 20th, 2020 only valid phone numbers and email addresses are accepted in QuickQuote. This means you will be unable to finalize a purchase without a valid client phone number and email address. However, these contact information fields will not be required to save a quote. 

Please contact your Dealer Development Manager if you have any questions regarding this Hub update.