We will not pay a Critical Illness insurance benefit for a diagnosis of cancer if a customer had any cancer at any time before the effective date of insurance. 

If at any time prior to the Effective Date of Insurance:

• They were diagnosed with any cancer; or

• If they were not yet diagnosed with any Cancer, but: 

a) had apparent signs or symptoms of any cancer; or 

b) sought or received, or a prudent person would have sought or received, medical advice or treatment relating to the apparent signs or symptoms of any cancer; then we will not pay a Critical Illness insurance benefit for: 

• Diagnosis of a covered cancer; 

• Any recurrence of that covered cancer; or 

• Any future diagnosis of any other covered cancer.

For the purposes of this pre-existing Cancer exclusion: 

• Any Cancer means any form of cancer (not just a form of cancer covered by critical illness insurance under the Product Guide). 

• Covered cancer means a form of cancer covered by Critical Illness insurance under the Product Guide, subject to this pre-existing cancer exclusion. 

• Non-covered cancer means a form of cancer that is not covered by Critical Illness insurance under the Product Guide.