All insurance coverage, for which a customer has enrolled, will end on the earlier of the following:

  • The expiry of the “Maximum Term of Insurance” as shown on the Insurance Enrolment; The date in which the customer reaches the Coverage Termination Age as shown on the Insurance Enrolment (age 73)
  • The expiry of insurance, as shown on the Insurance Enrolment; 
  • The date we receive a customer’s written cancellation request, or, where Insurance Coverage is provided for more than one person, the date we receive a written cancellation request from all Insureds; 
  • The date the Insured Loan/Lease is paid in full, refinanced discharged or assumed by another person; 
  • The date the Loan or Lease expires or is cancelled; 
  • The date the customer is released, by operation of law from their legal obligation to repay the Insured Loan/Lease (whether upon discharge from bankruptcy or otherwise); 
  • The date the Loan/Lease is transferred or assigned to a creditor other than the Creditor; 
  • The date in which six monthly payments have been missed, whether consecutive or not, on the Loan/Lease; 
  • The date a life insurance, critical illness or living benefit has been paid under the Product Guide; 
  • The date an accidental dismemberment/paraplegia insurance benefit is paid, and the outstanding balance is extinguished by such payment; 
  • The date the Group Policy is terminated in accordance with its terms;
  • The customer or estate representative does not provide the Co-operators with notice and proof of claim within the time limits specified in the product guides; and The date of the customer’s death.